
        IN PTR_FILTER Filter,
        IN NDIS_HANDLE NdisFilterHandle,
        IN PNDIS_REQUEST NdisRequest

TrDeleteFilterOpenAdapter is called by a NIC driver to delete NIC binding filter information from the Token Ring filter library database.


Points to a previously created and initialized filter library database.
Specifies the handle that the filter library associates with the binding filter.
Points to the request structure that this function passes to a NIC driver action function.

Return Value

If TrDeleteFilterOpenAdapter detects that the binding is currently being indicated through NdisIndicateReceive, it returns NDIS_STATUS_CLOSING_INDICATING. If this function calls any of the NIC driver’s action functions, it returns the status code the latter returns. If the action function returns NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS, TrDeleteFilterOpenAdapter tries to add the filter index to the freelist.


The NIC driver must be holding the filter library spinlock when it calls this function.

TrDeleteFilterOpenAdapter calls NIC driver action functions associated with clearing filter classes and addresses. The NIC driver should not call this function if the action functions can return a status code that indicates neither pending nor success.

Callers of TrDeleteFilterOpenAdapter run at IRQL DISPATCH_LEVEL.

See Also

NdisIndicateReceive, TrNoteFilterOpenAdapter