You must register your class or device installer by adding Installer32 and Icon entries to the registry for the class. Windows NT maintains a System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class branch under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE for information about each class. (Windows 95 maintains a System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class branch under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE for information about each class.) The value of the key contains the localized description of the class.
The Installer32 and Icon entries have this form:
Installer32=installer-DLL-name [,Installer Entry Point]
The system uses the icon to represent your installer to the user and calls it to install devices in the class. If the ICON value is negative, the absolute value represents a predefined icon in the class’ registry. If the ICON value is positive, it represents an icon in the class installer’s executable that will be extracted. The value 1 is reserved. See SetupDiDrawMiniIcon for a list of the predefined mini-icons.