
        IN HDEVINFO  DeviceInfoSet,
        IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA  DeviceInfoData 

SetupDiChangeState is the default handler for the DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE class installation request. It can be used to change the state of an installed device.

Supplies a handle to the device information set for which a device's state is to be changed.
Supplies a pointer to an SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure for which a device's state is to be changed. If the parameter is not specified, the state of the device is changed for the global class driver list associated with the device information set.
Return Value

If the function is successful, and there are files to copy, it returns TRUE. However, if there no files to copy, it returns FALSE and a call to GetLastError returns ERROR_DI_NOFILECOPY.

If the function fails, it returns FALSE and a call to GetLastError returns a different ERROR_* code.

See Also

SetupDiCallClassInstaller, SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS