
        IN PCTSTR  InfName,
        OUT LPGUID  ClassGuid,
        OUT PTSTR  ClassName,
        IN DWORD  ClassNameSize,
        OUT PDWORD  RequiredSize     /* optional */

SetupDiGetINFClass returns the class of a specified Windows NT 4.0-style INF file.

Supplies the name of a Windows 4.0-style INF file. This name can include a path. However, if just the filename is specified, the file is searched for in each directory listed in the DevicePath entry under the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion subkey of the registry.
Receives the class GUID for the specified INF file. If the INF file does not specify a class name, this variable is set to GUID_NULL. Call SetupDiClassGuidsFromName to determine if one or more classes with this name are already installed.
Receives the name of the class for the specified INF file. If the INF file does not specify a class name, but does specify a GUID, this buffer receives the name retrieved by calling SetupDiClassNameFromGuid. However, if SetupDiClassNameFromGuid cannot retrieve a class name (for example, the class is not installed), it returns an empty string.
Supplies the size, in characters, of the ClassName buffer.
Receives the number of characters required to store the class name (including terminating NULL). RequiredSize is always less than MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN.
Return Value

The function returns TRUE if it is successful. Otherwise it returns FALSE and the logged error can be retrieved with a call to GetLastError.

See Also

SetupDiBuildClassInfoList, SetupDiClassGuidsFromName, SetupDiClassNameFromGuid, SetupDiGetClassDescription