typedef struct { DWORD cbStruct; DWORD fdwSuggest; LPWAVEFORMATEX pwfxSrc; DWORD cbwfxSrc; LPWAVEFORMATEX pwfxDst; DWORD cbwfxDst; } ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST;
The ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST structure contains client-specified input arguments to the acmFormatSuggest function. The ACM fills in this structure with the client’s input arguments and passes it to an ACM driver with an ACMDM_FORMAT_SUGGEST message. ACMDRVFORMATSUGGEST is defined in msacmdrv.h.
Flag |
Meaning |
The wFormatTag member of the WAVEFORMATEX structure pointed to by pwfxDst contains a format tag. The driver can only suggest a destination format that is associated with the specified format tag. |
The nChannels member of the WAVEFORMATEX structure pointed to by pwfxDst contains a channel value. The driver can only suggest a destination format whose channel value matches the specified value. |
The nSamplesPerSec member of the WAVEFORMATEX structure pointed to by pwfxDst contains a sample rate. The driver can only suggest a destination format whose sample rate matches the specified rate. |
The nBitsPerSample member of the WAVEFORMATEX structure pointed to by pwfxDst contains a sample size. The driver can only suggest a destination format whose sample size matches the specified size. |
The WAVEFORMATEX structures specified for source or destination formats might be extended structures defined for particular formats. (For example, see IMAADPCMWAVEFORMAT in mmreg.h.) Check the structure’s wFormatTag member to determine the format type and hence the specific structure being passed.
For more information about format structures, see Defining Format Structures and Filter Structures.