Sample Video Capture Drivers

The Windows NT DDK includes the source code for the following video capture drivers and dynamic-link libraries:

Drivers or Libraries

Location of Source Files

Truevision Bravado video capture drivers


Video Spigot video capture drivers


Microsoft YUV compressor/decompressor


User-mode video capture driver library (For details, see Using VCUser.lib.)


Kernel-mode video capture driver library (For details, see Using VCKernel.lib.)


For the Bravado and Spigot driver samples, code for both the user-mode and the kernel-mode driver is provided. Under the listed driver directory, a \dll subdirectory contains the user-mode driver sources, and a \driver subdirectory contains the kernel-mode driver sources.

The Truevision Bravado video capture drivers (bravado.dll and bravado.sys) and hardware support image capture, scaling, and overlay. They do not support clipping. The hardware accepts compressed YUV-formatted data for output.

The Video Spigot video capture drivers (spigot.dll and spigot.sys) and hardware support image capture and scaling. They do not support overlay or clipping.

The Microsoft YUV compressor/decompressor (codec) is a user-mode driver (msyuv.dll) that can draw compressed YUV-formatted video data by sending it to bravado.sys, the kernel-mode driver for the Truevision Bravado hardware. For more information about video codecs, see Video Compression Manager Drivers.

All of the sample user-mode drivers, including the YUV codec (msyuv.dll), are built by using VCUser.lib.

All of the sample kernel-mode drivers are built by using VCKernel.lib.