PWCHAR ValueName,
PWCHAR ValueString,
DWORD ValueLength
The VC_ReadProfileString function reads the string value associated with the specified value name, under the driver’s \Parameters registry key.
Returns TRUE if the operation succeeds. If the ValueName string does not exist in the registry, cannot be accessed, is not a REG_SZ (string) type, or if the specified buffer is not large enough to hold the returned string, the function returns FALSE.
If the operation succeeds, the VC_ReadProfileString function copies the string value into the specified buffer.
The value name and value are read from the registry path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DriverName\Parameters, where DriverName is the driver name specified as input to VC_OpenProfileAccess.
VC_ReadProfile, VC_ReadProfileUser, VC_WriteProfile, VC_WriteProfileUser