Microsoft Windows NT DDK Documentation Survey


The Microsoft Windows NT DDK Documentation Group asks you take a few minutes to provide some information regarding the current DDK documentation, how it is used, and who uses it. If you’ll copy and paste your response into your email system, we’ll use the information to improve future versions of this documentation.

Please copy this completed survey to the clipboard and email to
1. Which on-line manuals do you use most frequently?


2. Which topics in these manuals are of most use to you?


3. Are the topics organized logically for the work you do?


4. Is it easy to navigate through the on-line information (sufficient jumps, etc.)?


5. Is the information presented in a usable form (enough graphics, etc.)?


6. Have you detected any errors or missing information? Please provide specific details.


7. Can you suggest any additional improvements you would like to see in this documentation?


8. What kind(s) of driver(s) are you writing or have written?


9. Which operating system environments are you writing drivers for?


10. What is your technical background?


11. How many years have you been a device driver writer?


12. Would you be willing to be contacted to discuss your survey responses in more detail? If so, please supply your business telephone number.


The DDK Documentation Group thanks you for your time. Please copy this form and paste it into your email document and send to:


If you prefer to mail a hard copy response, please send the survey to:

    DDK Documentation Survey

    One Microsoft Way

    Redmond, WA

    98052-6399, USA