Chapter 10 - Additional Network Services - Enterprise Level

Terra Flora was introduced in the Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0 Resource Kit: Windows NT Server Networking Guide as a case study in interoperability of heterogeneous networks. Chapter 4, "Terra Flora: A Fictitious Case Study," in the Windows NT Server Networking Guide, provided the history of the corporation and presented a plan for interoperability. Chapter 5, "Network Services: Enterprise Level," provided the business justification for selecting Windows NT Server services to interoperate the heterogeneous networks. It also presented specific information on the installation and configuration of Enterprise level services that support the network itself and keep the corporation-wide information synchronized.

Terra Flora is a totally fictitious company whose business operations and networking environment are being examined and used to demonstrate the functionality of Windows NT Server products. The names of companies, products, people, characters, and data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted.

This chapter will present information on some of the additional Enterprise services that were not covered earlier. The services that will be discussed include:

Directory Service Manager for NetWare (DSMN)

Web Administration for Windows NT Server

Information about each service will include the business reasons for selecting the service and instructions on how to install and configure the service.

Located inside the back cover of the Windows NT Server Resource Kit Supplement 1 is a network diagram that represents the hardware and software now interoperating at Terra Flora. Frequent references will be made to the diagram.