Remote Administration Using Web Administration

As stated earlier, to use the Web Administration tool, you must be familiar with the Windows NT Server Administrative tools. For example, setting up user accounts using the Web Administration tool is visually different to the administrator than if the administrator uses the Windows NT Server Administrative tool, User Manager for Domains. The differences are not significant if you are familiar with what is required to set up user accounts using the Windows NT Server Administrative tool, User Manager for Domains. For details about using Windows NT Server Administrative tools, see Help.

This section demonstrates how AshleyM, the Terra Flora administrator was able to set up a user remotely from a client located in Building 4 using the Web Administrator.

Adding a User Account with Web Administration

For details on installing the Web Administration for Microsoft Windows NT Server, see the next section, "Web Administration Installation at Terra Flora." Once the software is installed, Ashley M can remotely set up user accounts with Web Administration.

To add a user account using Web Administration:

From the Web page titled Web Administration of Microsoft Windows NT Server, click Accounts. The Account Management on Server CANTS40ENT02 Web page is displayed. The Web page will display the name of the server you are administering; in the following example, CANTS40ENT02 is displayed.

Click Users. A User Accounts dialog box is displayed on the Web page, as shown following.

Click Create New. The Create New User Account dialog box is displayed on the Web page, as shown following.

Supply the information as illustrated in the Web page displayed directly preceding. Click Create. The user account is added to the domain.