CGI and ISAPI Interfaces

The supported interfaces for dynamic page generation on Windows NT are:

Common Gateway Interface (CGI). An accepted standard for sharing data between browsers and servers. CGI allows interactive applications, such as database query applications, to be run over the Internet. The primary advantage of CGI is that it is common. CGI applications can be run on all popular Web servers and can be written in all common scripting languages, such as Perl and the Visual Basic® programming system.

Microsoft Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI). The newcomer to the field of dynamic interfaces. This API is designed to optimize the performance of applications that generate dynamic pages on intranet and Internet servers. ISAPI can be run on Windows NT 3.51 and later.

CGI and ISAPI have similar functions, and the technique for coding scripts and applications for CGI and ISAPI is also quite similar. However, CGI and ISAPI applications run very differently on Windows NT.