Monitoring the Working Set of the IIS Process

A server running Internet Information Server must have enough physical memory to support the Internet Information Server process. The physical memory visible to a process is called its working set. If the working set of the Internet Information Server process is not large enough, IIS is not able to store its code and frequently used data in physical memory. Therefore, the IIS services are delayed by having to retrieve code and data from disk.

The system continually adjusts the size of the working set of a process as the process runs. The amount of space the system provides to the working set depends on the amount of memory available to the system and the needs of the process.

This section describes the working set of the process in which Internet Information Server runs. The section suggests methods for monitoring the size of the Internet Information Server working set over time and explains how to determine whether the working set of the Internet Information Server process is large enough to enable IIS to run efficiently.