Using Performance Monitor to Monitor Transmission Rates

The following tables list and describe some of the Performance Monitor counters that can be used for measuring transmission rates. The counters in this table display the transmission rate observed during the last sample interval. They do not display a rolling or cumulative average of the rate. Also, the counters that represent sums of other counters, such as IP: Datagrams/sec, are simple sums of the other counters' values. They are not weighted sums.

For more information about how counter values are calculated, check the counter type of the counter. A counter type determines how Performance Monitor calculates and displays that particular counter. Counters.hlp, a Help file for the Performance Monitor counters, lists and describes the counter type of each counter. Counters.hlp is included on the Microsoft Windows NT Server Resource Kit Supplement 1 CD.


You must install Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to activate the counters on the TCP, IP, and Network Interface performance objects in Performance Monitor.

The following table lists and describes counters at the Application Layer.

Table 7.1 Performance Monitor Counters for Measuring Transmission Rates at the Application Layer



HTTP Service: Bytes Sent/sec

The rate at which the HTTP server application is sending data, in bytes.

HTTP Service: Bytes Received/sec

The rate at which the HTTP server application is receiving data, in bytes.

HTTP Service: Bytes Total/sec

The rate at which the HTTP server application is sending and receiving data, in bytes.

HTTP Service: Bytes Total/sec is the sum of HTTP Service: Bytes Sent/sec and HTTP Service: Bytes Received/sec.

FTP Server: Bytes Sent/sec

The rate at which the FTP server application is sending data, in bytes.

FTP Server: Bytes Received/sec

The rate at which the FTP server application is receiving data, in bytes.

FTP Server: Bytes Total/sec

The rate at which the FTP server application is sending and receiving data, in bytes.

FTP Server: Bytes Total/sec is the sum of FTP Server: Bytes Sent/sec and FTP Server: Bytes Received/sec.

Gopher Service: Bytes Sent/sec

The rate at which the Gopher server application is sending data, in bytes.

Gopher Service: Bytes Received/sec

The rate at which the Gopher server application is receiving data, in bytes.

Gopher Service: Bytes Total/sec

The rate at which the Gopher server application is sending and receiving data, in bytes.

Gopher Service: Bytes Total/sec is the sum of Gopher Service: Bytes Sent/sec and Gopher Service: Bytes Received/sec.

The following table lists and describes counters on the TCP object.

Table 7.2 Performance Monitor Counters for Measuring Transmission Rates at the Transport Layer



TCP: Segments Sent/sec

The rate at which TCP segments are sent by using the TCP protocol.

TCP: Segments Received/sec

The rate at which TCP segments are received by using the TCP protocol.

TCP: Segments/sec

The sum of Segments Sent/sec and Segments Received/sec.

TCP: Segments Retransmitted/sec

The rate at which segments are transmitted that contain one or more bytes TCP recognizes as having been transmitted before.

Segments Retransmitted/sec is a proper subset of Segments Sent/sec and Segments/sec. To determine the proportion of transmissions caused by failed transmission attempts, divide Segments Retransmitted/sec by Segments Sent/sec.

The following table lists and describes counters on the IP object.

Table 7.3 Performance Monitor Counters for Measuring Transmission Rates at the Network Layer



IP: Datagrams Sent/sec

The rate at which IP datagrams are sent by using the IP protocol. This counter does not include datagrams forwarded to another server.

IP: Datagrams Received/sec

The rate at which IP datagrams are received from IP by using IP protocol. This counter does not include datagrams forwarded to another server.

IP: Datagrams/sec

The sum of IP: Datagrams Sent/sec and IP: Datagrams Received/sec.

IP: Datagrams Forwarded/sec

The rate at which IP datagrams are forwarded to their final destination by the server.

The sum of IP: Datagrams/sec and IP: Datagrams Forwarded/sec represents the rate at which all IP datagrams are handled by the server.

The following table lists and describes counters on the Network Interface performance object.

Table 7.4 Performance Monitor Counters for Measuring Transmission Rates at the Data Link Layer



Network Interface: Bytes Sent/sec: NIC#

The rate at which bytes are sent over each network adapter (that is, over each network interface card, or NIC). The counted bytes include framing characters.

Network Interface: Bytes Received/sec: NIC#

The rate at which bytes are received over each network adapter. The counted bytes include framing characters.

Network Interface: Bytes Total/sec: NIC#

The sum of Network Interface: Bytes Sent/Sec and Network Interface: Bytes Received/sec.

The Network Interface counters display data about the network adapters on the server computer. The first instance of the Network Interface object (Instance 1) that you see in Performance Monitor represents the loopback. The loopback is a local path through the protocol driver and the network adapter. All other instances represent installed network adapters.

These counters are included in IISNet.pmw, a Performance Monitor workspace settings file on the Supplement 1 CD.