Windows NT Workstation Resource Kit

The following section contains changes made to the Windows NT Workstation Resource Guide.

Chapter 5, "Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Architecture," Figure 5.3 has been changed to clarify that the Microkernel and HAL are not Windows NT Executive Services.

Chapter 7, "Printing"

Second paragraph, second sentence, add the word "job" after the first instance of the word "print."

Under the heading "Separator Page Files," second paragraph, last sentence, change the word "four" to "three."

Chapter 9, "The Art of Performance Monitoring"

In the first paragraph, replace "Ndvdm.exe" with "Ntvdm.exe"

In the first paragraph, replace "experimental" with "investigative."

Chapter 10, "About Performance Monitor"

In the first paragraph under the heading "New Counter Type," delete the phrase "but it displays a zero if the difference is negative."

In the first paragraph under "Starting and Setting Up Performance Monitor," replace "boot" with "log on."

In the last bulleted item, delete the sentence "If it is negative, they display a zero."

Delete the first bulleted item.

First paragraph, delete "running Network Monitor Agent."

The figure has been changed to clarify that the Microkernel and HAL are not Windows NT Executive Services.

Change the cross-reference under "All values for my disks are zero, but I know they are active" from "For information about Diskperf, see "Enabling the Disk Counters" in Chapter 6" to "For information on Diskperf, see "Enabling the Disk Counters" in Chapter 14, "Detecting Disk Bottlenecks."

Chapter 12, "Detecting Memory Bottlenecks," change the reference in the third bulleted item from "(as described in Chapter 7)" to "(as described in Chapter 15, "Detecting Cache Bottlenecks")."

Chapter 14, "Detecting Disk Bottlenecks"

Delete the diagram on the lower half of the page.

In the upper left hand corner of the figure, replace "ide.log" with "100."

First paragraph of the last bulleted item, replace the word "turbulence" with "interference." In the last sentence of that paragraph, add the word "length" after the word "cable." In the second paragraph of the last bulleted item, replace all instances of "serial" with "parallel" and all instances of "parallel" with "serial."

Back cover, the figures "Windows NT 3.51 Architecture" and "Windows NT 4.0 Architecture" have been changed to clarify that the Microkernel and HAL are not Windows NT Executive Services.