Setting Security Properties

You can select an Internet service and change its properties; these properties include security options. The section "Checking the Source Address," earlier in this chapter, described how to configure Internet Information Server to check source IP addresses. In addition, you can specify in the Internet Service Manager Service Properties dialog box that passwords are encrypted before they are transmitted. Because the Windows NT security model is built into the Internet Service Manager, you can authorize users to administer your Internet services and you can authorize users to grant read and write permissions to directories.


To keep others from viewing your directory structure and naming convention, leave the Directory Browsing Allowed box in the WWW Service Properties dialog box in its default, unselected mode.

The Service Properties dialog box contains a Logging property sheet that controls important aspects of your Internet server's log. You can set your log's format, either in a standard or National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) format. You can also set new logs to open automatically at specified intervals or when the log reaches a certain size. The log records valuable information about your Internet server, which includes a client's user name, IP address, and what operation the client performed on which computer. The log even records which files the client accessed.