Storing Data

Some kinds of information should be stored near your computers to be readily available. Some data should be stored off site to be available in the event of a disaster, or for long-term storage. This section discusses both onsite and offsite storage. It assumes that you are using Ntbackup or a similar program to back up your data to a cartridge tape.

Onsite Storage

Some data need to be stored on site and readily available in the event of a failure:

Offsite Storage

The most important data should always be stored off site. There are many companies that specialize in secure data storage. These companies lease space in underground vaults that remain impervious to just about everything. Smaller companies may find the cost and logistics of this degree of protection to be too great. Alternative solutions can be as simple a safe deposit box at a local bank or a fireproof safe at home or another location.

You should store the following types of information off site: