MS Windows NT Server 4.0 Internet Guide

Microsoft Corporation

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Document No. xxxx

Printed in the United States of America.

This book is dedicated to Windows NT Webmasters around the world.

Contributors to this book include the following:

Technical Writers:

Peggy Etchevers, Jeff Howard, Laura Sheppard, Maureen Sullivan,

Technical Consultants:

Greg Allen, Noland Angara, Carl Calvello, Ty Carlson, Doug Hebenthal, Jerry Hittle, Cliff Hudson, Aaron Lee, Richard Lerz, Ryan Marshall, Sam Patton, Lester Waters, Valerie Whitcomb, Jim Yagelowich, and numerous other hardworking Windows NT Developers, Program Managers, and Product Support Specialists

Technical Editor:

Kate Robinson

Managing Editor:

Sonia Marie Moore

Software Program Managers:

Louis Kahn, Ryan Marshall

Software Developer:

Martin Holladay

Writing Manager:

Peggy Etchevers

Product Support Liaison:

Todd Hafer

Technical Marketing Liaison:

Ty Carlson


Jane Dow, Barbara Sherman

Production Team:

Karye Cattrell, Nikole Faith, Jay French, Patrick Ngo, Cathy Pfarr, Keri Segna, Jeff Weaver, Todd White

Lead Graphic Designer:

Chris Blanton

Design Support Team:

Johnni Cutler, Amy Iffland, Casey McGahan, Wendy Salvatori, Gabriel Varela, Sue Wyble, Jan Yeager