Providing Static Content

Maria uses Internet Assistant to create the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) file Wwwroot\Default.htm. This file is the home page or initial page of information for the site. (See Figure 4.5.) The home page is for the network users and contains information about network status.

Figure 4.5 Terra Flora network integration home page

Next, Maria creates D:\Project Plan\Default.htm as the home page for her team. On this page, Maria also includes links to non-HTML files, such as the Microsoft Project file for the network integration plan, and to historical data in text files. (See Figure 4.6.)

Figure 4.6 IS team home page

Finally, to determine who is using the files, Maria configures logging to create weekly log files. (See Figure 4.7.) Later, Maria will use the convlog program to convert the log to National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) format, and will then import the log files into a Microsoft Access database to analyze the use statistics and to generate reports.

Figure 4.7 Logging to a file