MS-DOS Clients Authenticating to Windows NT Servers

In order for a DOS client to connect to a network, network software such as LAN Manager or Microsoft Networks must be installed and configured. See the user documentation accompanying the selected product for installation. At Terra Flora, LAN Manager 2.2c is the product that will be installed to allow the MS-DOS clients to access the Windows NT network.

Once LAN Manager is installed, the Autoexec file is changed and the network will start up automatically when the client running DOS is started.

In addition, for a user to log onto a computer running Windows NT Server the user's account with necessary permissions must exist on the computer running Windows NT Server. For information on creating the user account and assigning permissions to access resources, see Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Concepts and Planning, Chapter 1, "Managing Windows NT Server Domains," Chapter 2, "Working with User and Group Accounts," and Chapter 3, "Managing User Work Environments."

When the network starts, the user types the Net Use command at the prompt and supplies the server name and share to which they want to connect. In the example below, the user wants to connect to payroll share on the Supply and Manufacturing payroll department server. At the prompt, the user would type:

Net Use * \\CAWPS30DPT01\Payroll

When enter is pressed, an available drive letter is assigned and connection to the server is completed.