Checking and Changing Network-Adapter Settings

The Network Client Setup program examines your computer's configuration and attempts to determine the network adapter's base memory address and interrupt request (IRQ) setting. If Setup incorrectly identifies these, Network Client will not start.

For information about determining the correct settings yourself, see the documentation that came with the network adapter.

After you determine the correct base memory address and interrupt setting, you can specify them by running Setup again.

To change the base memory address or interrupt setting

1. Start the Network Client Setup program, as described earlier in this chapter.

2. Select Change Network Configuration by pressing the UP ARROW key, and then press ENTER.

A list of options for modifying network-adapter and protocol settings appears.

3. Select Change Settings by pressing the UP ARROW key, and then press ENTER.

A list of network-adapter and protocol settings appears.

4. If you want to change the setting for the network adapter's interrupt, proceed to step 5. If you want to change the setting for the network adapter's base memory address, do the following:

A list of values appears.

The new value appears on the base memory address line in the list of network-adapter settings.

5. If you do not want to change the network adapter's interrupt setting, proceed to step 6. If you want to change the setting, do the following:

A list of values appears.

The new value appears on the interrupt line in the list of network-adapter settings.

6. Choose The Listed Options Are Correct by pressing ENTER. Then follow the instructions on the screen to complete Setup.

7. When Setup is complete, restart the computer by pressing ENTER.

If Network Client still does not start, proceed to the following section.