Managing Static NetBIOS Name-to-IP-Address Mappings

Static mappings are non-dynamic database entries of NetBIOS computer name-to-IP address mappings for computers on the network that are not WINS-enabled or special groups of network devices.

Click Static Mappings on the Mappings menu in WINS Manager to view, add, edit, import, or delete static mappings.

Once entered to the WINS server database, static name-to-IP-address mappings cannot be challenged or removed, except by an administrator who manually removes the specific mapping by using WINS Manager to remove the entry from the WINS server database. All changes made to the WINS server database by using WINS Manager take effect immediately.


A DHCP reserved (or static) IP address for a unique name in a multihomed computer overrides an obsolete WINS static mapping if the WINS server advanced configuration option Migration On/Off is checked "on."

Static NetBIOS name mappings can be any of the types listed in the following table.

Table 8.10 Types of Static NetBIOS Name Mappings

Type option



A unique name that maps to a single IP address. Contrast with multihomed type.


Also referred to as a "Normal" Group. When adding an entry to Group by using WINS Manager, you must enter the computer name and IP address.

However, the IP addresses of individual members of Group are not stored in the WINS database. Because the member addresses are not stored, there is no limit to the number of members that can be added to a Group.

Broadcast name packets are used to communicate with Group members. Contrast with Internet group type.


A NetBIOS name-to-IP-address mapping that has 0x1C as the 16th byte. A domain group stores up to a maximum of 25 addresses for members. For registrations after the 25th address, WINS overwrites a replica address or, if none is present, it overwrites the oldest registration.

Internet group

Internet groups are user-defined groups that allow you to group resources, such as printers, for easy reference and browsing. The default 16th byte of an Internet group name is set equal to 0x20. An Internet group can store up to a maximum of 25 addresses for members.

When you add a Internet group three unique records are added:

· InternetGroupName<0x20>

· InternetGroupName<0x3>

· InternetGroupName<0x0>

This is similar to the domain group.

Internet group members can be added as the result of dynamic group registrations. A dynamic member, however, does not replace a static member added by using WINS Manager or importing the LMHOSTS file. Contrast with Group type.


A unique name that can have more than one address. This is used for multihomed computers. The maximum number of addresses that can be registered as multihomed is 25. For registrations after the 25th address, WINS overwrites a replica address or, if none is present, it overwrites the oldest registration. Contrast with Unique type.

A WINS server can be configured to replicate only domain, Internet, and multihomed groups to its replication partners. This is done by manually changing the registry parameter ReplicationType to a value of 1.

This eliminates replication of information (the unique names) that is not needed outside the local domain, while allowing replication of special group information. This is desirable to reduce replication traffic, and allows WINS clients to obtain the group addresses when the group spans multiple domains that are serviced by other Microsoft WINS servers.