Expanding the WCAT Files

The Microsoft Web Capacity Analysis Tool is packaged as a single, self-extracting executable file called Wcat.exe. Wcat.exe contains all the files related to the Web Capacity Analysis Tool.

To expand Wcat.exe

1.On the server computer, click Start, select Programs, and click Command Prompt.

2.At the command prompt for drive C, type mkdir\websrvr to create a new directory called \Websrvr on drive C.

3.At the command prompt, type cd websrvr to go to the \Websrvr directory.

4.Copy Wcat.exe from the Microsoft Windows NT Server Resource Kit Version 4 Supplement 1 CD-ROM to \Websrvr.

5.At the command prompt, type wcat.

Wcat.exe expands to the following files:

· Server.exe

· Ctrler.exe

· Client.exe

These three files are also self-extracting files. In the course of installing WCAT, you access these files from different computers and extract more files from them.


If after installing the WCAT files you want to remove the files, simply delete all associated files and directories. There is no Uninstall application for WCAT.