Files Section

The files section of the WCAT log is a two-row table that displays the number of files requested and received by clients during the WCAT test. The file table does not have its own column headings. Instead, it uses the same column headings as in the results table, described earlier in “Results Section.” The file table can be thought of as a continuation of the results table. The following table lists and describes the file table rows.

Table 6 File Requests and Reads

Test criterion (row) Description
Files Requested The number of files requested by the virtual clients during the test. You can compare the number of files requested to the number of files read to determine how many of the files requested were not received. You can also divide files requested by pages requested (found in the results section) to find the average number of files requested per page.
Files Read The number of files received by the virtual clients in the test. You can compare files read to pages read (found in the results section) to find the average number of files read per page.

The following example shows a file table from a 1ktest01.log file. Column headings are added to the example for reference.

Test Criteria Summary Rate Client 1
Files Requested 17283 57.61 1567
Files Read 17283 57.61 1567