Running WCAT with Performance Monitor Counters

To monitor Performance Monitor counters on the server, include the -p option and the name of the performance counter input file with the run command on the controller command line.

To start WCAT with Performance Monitor counters

1.At the command prompt on each client computer, type client

2.At the command prompt on the controller, type

run testname [other options] -p filename.pfc

where testname is the name of the WCAT test, other options represents other valid WCAT test options, and filename represents the path and filename of the performance counter input file. The other options for WCAT are described in “Using Command Line Options,” later in this guide.

For example, to run the Clntload test with the counters listed in the Server.pfc file in the \Scripts directory, type:

run clntload -p scripts\server.pfc

During the WCAT test, the controller monitors the performance counters every 10 seconds. At the conclusion of the test, WCAT summarizes the results and records them in a performance results file. This results file has the same filename prefix as the performance counter input file but with the filename extension .prf. The next section explains how to interpret the performance results file.

WCAT also provides a performance counter section in the WCAT log file. This performance counter section displays the average values of the counters during the test. For information about the performance counter section of the WCAT log file, see “Analyzing the WCAT Log,” earlier in this guide.