How to Run Admin Demo

You can run the Admin Demo by double-clicking the ADMNDEMO.EXE file in Windows Explorer, or by clicking Start, then Run, and typing \<path>\ADMNDEMO.EXE.

Admin Demo Command-Line Switches

Admin Demo supports command-line switches to automatically connect to data sources, execute SQL scripts, and trace ODBC function calls. The switches are:


This switch specifies a connection string for SQLDriverConnect. See the driver documentation for the precise syntax of this string. For example:


Note   Except for the /T option, the /D option must be specified for any other option to work.


This switch specifies the full path of a file to execute in the same manner used for the File/Execute menu item.


This switch specifies a set of options that determine how the file specified with /F is executed. Each option is separated by a colon.


This switch specifies the full path of a file to use for tracing of ODBC statements made by Admin Demo. This filename is used as a parameter to the SQLSetConnectAttr function with the SQL_ATTR_TRACEFILE option.


Set this switch to 'Y' to force Admin Demo to exit once all other switches have been processed; set it to 'N' (the default) to leave Admin Demo running.


In the following example, the statement terminator is the semicolon and the maximum statement size is 500:


In the next example, the statement terminator is a carriage return-linefeed character. The maximum statement size is 2500:


In the final example, all options are used:


When Admin Demo is run, ODBC calls are logged to the C:\TMP\ADMNDEMO.LOG file, and Admin Demo connects to 'myserver' as user 'Smith' with no password. Once connected, the file C:\SQLADMIN\BACKUP.SQL is executed using a carriage return-linefeed character as a statement terminator with a maximum statement size of 2000. After the file has been executed, the application releases control to the user instead of exiting.