The file \Samples\Odbc\Query\Qurydemo.mak is set up for compilation within 32-bit environments using a Microsoft or Microsoft-compatible C compiler. You use the \Samples\Odbc\Query\Qurydemo.bat file to set up the proper environment and invoke the appropriate compiler and linker.
Note The Querydemo.mak file assumes that you have installed the Win32 SDK. If you are using Visual C++ 1.0 or later on Windows NT, Query Demo will not compile with the provided Querydemo.mak. Instead, you must use the makefile generated by Visual C++.
To build the sample, change to the \Samples\Odbc\Query directory, then:
Unrecognized arguments to QURYDEMO.BAT will halt compilation with a warning.
QURYDEMO.BAT.BAT calls NMAKE, the Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility provided with Microsoft C version 7.0 or later, on the file QURYDEMO.MAK to rebuild the QURYDEMO.EXE file. If QURYDEMO.MAK is unmodified, BUILD.BAT will rebuild the original QURYDEMO.EXE sample.
For information about using NMAKE, see your C compiler tools documentation.