Connection Windows
ODBC Test creates a connection window each time SQLAllocHandle with a HandleType of SQL_HANDLE_DBC (or SQLAllocConnect) is successfully executed; it closes the specified connection window each time SQLFreeHandle with a HandleType of SQL_HANDLE_DBC (or SQLFreeConnect) is successfully executed. To use a specific connection, select the window for that connection.
Each connection window has three parts:
Statement Handle List. At the top of the connection window is a list of allocated statement handles and their values. The value is a 32-bit address. Each time SQLAllocHandle with a HandleType of SQL_HANDLE_STMT (or SQLAllocStmt) is called, the new statement handle is added to this list; each time SQLFreeHandle with a HandleType of SQL_HANDLE_STMT (or SQLFreeStmt with the SQL_DROP option) is called, the specified statement handle is removed from the list.
To select a statement handle to use when calling an ODBC function, select the handle from this list. You can also select a null handle (SQL_NULL_HSTMT).
Input Window. The top half of each connection window is used to enter SQL statements for the SQLExecDirect, SQLNativeSql, and SQLPrepare functions, and data for the SQLPutData function. ODBC Test passes the highlighted statements or data to the function. If no statements or data are highlighted, ODBC Test uses all the statements or data in the input window.
To load a text file into the input window, from the File menu, choose Open. To save the statements in the input window, from the File menu, choose Save As.
Output Window. The bottom half of each connection window is used by ODBC Test to display information about each function that it executes, such as the return code and the input and output argument values. To control what information is displayed, from the Tools menu, choose User Options, and select the desired level from the Logging Level list. To control whether the output wraps from line to line, from the Edit menu, choose Word Wrap.
The input and output windows can each contain up to 60,000 characters. When the number of characters in one of these windows reaches this limit, ODBC Test deletes the first 2000 characters in the window. To clear the input or output window, from the Edit menu, choose Clear and specify whether to clear one or both windows.