ODBC Test Overview

Microsoft ODBC Test is an ODBC-enabled application that you can use to test ODBC drivers. ODBC Test has four distinct types of menu items that you can use to execute ODBC functions:

The ODBC Test shipped with ODBC 3.51 contains both ANSI and Unicode-enabled versions. The corresponding files are:

These files are installed in the \Bin\Odbc directory. At startup, each version reads from and writes to a different initialization file. The ANSI version uses the file GATOR32.INI, while the Unicode version uses the file GATOR32W.INI. There is a known limitation to both versions. The Unicode version does not support binding to the following data types:

The ANSI version does not support binding to the following data types:

In order to use ODBC Test, you must understand the ODBC API, the C language, and SQL. For more information about the ODBC API, see the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference.