Rowset Windows

ODBC Test creates a rowset window when SQLFetch, SQLFetchScroll, or SQLExtendedFetch is called for the first time on a statement handle. It closes the rowset window when the cursor associated with the statement handle is closed. The rowset window displays the contents of the ParameterValuePtr and StrLen_or_IndPtr buffers bound to the result set with SQLBindCol and the contents of the RowStatusArray specified in SQLSetStmtAttr, SQLSetDescRec, SQLSetDescField, or SQLExtendedFetch. You can use the Rowset Options item on the Tools menu to control whether the status values, length values array, and column names are displayed.

Note   Rowset windows do not display the results of calls to SQLGetData; these are displayed in the output window of the connection window.

To update the value of a cell in a rowset window, double-click the cell. Enter the appropriate value, then call SQLSetPos with Operation set to SQL_UPDATE or SQLBulkOperations with Operation set to SQL_UPDATE_BY_BOOKMARK. The SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE statement attribute must not be SQL_CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY and the SQL_ATTR_CONCURRENCY statement attribute must not be SQL_CONCUR_READ_ONLY.