SQL Conformance Levels

The level of SQL92 grammar supported by a driver is indicated by the value returned by a call to SQLGetInfo with the SQL_SQL_CONFORMANCE information type. This indicates whether the driver conforms to the Entry, FIPS Transitional, Intermediate, or Full levels defined in SQL92.

All ODBC drivers must support the minimum SQL grammar described in “SQL Minimum Grammar” in Appendix C, “SQL Grammar.” This grammar is a subset of the Entry level of SQL92. Drivers may support additional SQL and, in fact, be conformant to the SQL92 Entry, Intermediate, or Full level, or to the FIPS 127-2 Transitional level. Drivers that comply to a given level of SQL92 or FIPS 127-2 can support additional features in any of the higher levels, yet not be fully conformant to that level. To determine whether a feature is supported, an application should call SQLGetInfo with the appropriate information type. The conformance level of an SQL feature is described in the corresponding information type (see the SQLGetInfo function description).