Determining the Number of Affected Rows

After an application updates, deletes, or inserts rows, it can call SQLRowCount to determine how many rows were affected. SQLRowCount returns this value regardless of whether the rows were updated, deleted, or inserted by executing an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statement, by executing a positioned update or delete statement, or by calling SQLSetPos.

If a batch of SQL statements is executed, the count of affected rows might be a total count for all statements in the batch or individual counts for each statement in the batch. For more information, see “Batches of SQL Statements” in Chapter 9, “Executing Statements,” and “Multiple Results” in Chapter 11, “Retrieving Results (Advanced).”

The number of affected rows is also returned in the SQL_DIAG_ROW_COUNT diagnostic header field in the diagnostic area associated with the statement handle. However, the data in this field is reset after every function call on the same statement handle, whereas the value returned by SQLRowCount remains the same until a call to SQLBulkOperations, SQLExecute, SQLExecDirect, SQLPrepare, or SQLSetPos.