Types of Applications
ODBC applications can be classified as follows:
Pure ODBC 2.x application. A 32-bit application that:
Calls only ODBC 2.x functions (including the ODBC 1.0 function SQLSetParam). These include ODBC 1.x applications that have been ported to 32-bit.
Expects ODBC 2.x behavior for features that have had behavioral changes (see "Behavioral Changes" later in this chapter).
Has not been recompiled with ODBC 3.5 headers.
Pure ODBC 2.x Recompiled application. A pure ODBC 2.x application that has been recompiled using the ODBC 3.5 header files, by setting ODBCVER=0x0250.
Pure ODBC 2.x Unicode application. A pure ODBC 2.x recompiled application that is Unicode-compliant and uses the SQL_WCHAR data type.
Pure X/Open and ISO – compliant ODBC application. A 32-bit application that:
Calls functions defined in the X/Open or ISO CLI standards. (These functions may include deprecated 3.0 functions.)
Does not use the Unicode data types.
Expects ODBC 3.0 behavior for features that have had.
Pure ODBC 3.0 application. A 32-bit application that:
Is compiled with 3.0 headers.
Calls any ODBC 3.0 function, possibly including those that are deprecated.
Expects ODBC 3.0 behavior for features that have had behavioral changes.
Pure ODBC 3.5 (or higher) application. A 32-bit application that:
May use Unicode data types.
Calls any ODBC 3.5 function, possibly including those that are deprecated.
Expects ODBC 3.5 behavior for features that have had behavioral changes.
Replaced application. A 32-bit application that:
Implements ODBC 3.x behavior for duplicated functionality.
Uses any new features in ODBC 3.x only within conditional code.
Has limited conditional code to handle behavioral changes or has registered itself to be an ODBC 2.x application.