
DBEngine Object


The DBEngine object represents the Microsoft Jet database engine. As the top-level object, it contains and controls all other objects in the hierarchy of data access objects.


Use the DBEngine object to control the Jet database engine, manipulate its properties, and perform tasks on temporary objects that aren't elements of collections. For example, you can:

The DBEngine object is a predefined object; you can't create additional DBEngine objects. To refer to a collection that belongs to the DBEngine object, or to refer to a method or property that applies to this object, use this syntax:

[DBEngine.][collection | method | property]

The DBEngine object isn't an element of any collection.


DefaultUser, DefaultPassword Properties; IniPath Property; LoginTimeout Property; Version Property.


CompactDatabase Method, CreateWorkspace Method, Idle Method, RegisterDatabase Method, RepairDatabase Method.

See Also

Appendix, "Data Access Object Hierarchy."

Specifics (Microsoft Access)

Microsoft Access provides a means of manipulating data access objects from other applications through OLE Automation. If you are controlling Microsoft Access from another application, such as Visual Basic or Microsoft Excel, you can use the DBEngine property of the Microsoft Access Application object to return a reference to the DBEngine object. All data access objects and collections are then accessible through the DBEngine object.


This example enumerates the collections of the DBEngine object. See the methods and properties of DBEngine for additional examples.

Function EnumerateDBEngine () As Integer
    Dim wrkEnum As Workspace, intWSP As Integer
    Debug.Print "Enumeration of DBEngine"
    ' Enumerate all workspaces.
    Debug.Print "Workspaces: Name, UserName"
    For intWSP = 0 To Workspaces.Count - 1
        Set wrkEnum = Workspaces(intWSP)
        Debug.Print "  "; wrkEnum.Name;
        Debug.Print ", "; wrkEnum.UserName
    Next intWSP
    ' Enumerate built-in properties.
    Debug.Print "DBEngine.Version: "; DBEngine.Version
    Debug.Print "DBEngine.LoginTimeout: "; DBEngine.LoginTimeout
    EnumerateDBEngine = True
End Function
Example (Microsoft Access)

The following example prints all the properties of the DBEngine object.

Sub EngineProperties()
    Dim prp As Property

    For Each prp In DBEngine.Properties
        Debug.Print prp.Name
    Next prp
End Sub