Function EnumerateUserGroup () As Integer Dim wrkDefault As Workspace Dim usrPatSmith As User, usrTemp As User, usrGroupUser As User Dim grpAccount As Group, grpTemp As Group, grpMember As Group Dim intI As Integer, intJ As Integer Set wrkDefault = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) ' Create and append new user. Set usrPatSmith = wrkDefault.CreateUser("Pat Smith", _ "abc123DEF456", "My Secret") wrkDefault.Users.Append usrPatSmith ' Create and append new group. Set grpAccount = wrkDefault.CreateGroup("Accounting", _ "UVW987xyz654") wrkDefault.Groups.Append grpAccount ' Add new user to new group or converse; do one or the other, not both. ' Use Refresh because both collections are referred to in following ' code. ' wrkDefault.Groups![Accounting].Users.Append usrGroupUser ' wrkDefault.Users![Pat Smith].Groups.Refresh ' Or add group to user and refresh group.
' Create new group object for user Pat Smith Set grpMember = usrPatSmith.CreateGroup("Accounting") ' wrkDefault.Users![Pat Smith].Groups.Append grpMember ' wrkDefault.Groups![Accounting].Users.Refresh ' Enumerate all users. For intJ = 0 To wrkDefault.Users.Count - 1 Set usrTemp = wrkDefault.Users(intJ) Debug.Print Debug.Print "Enumeration of Users: "; usrTemp.Name Debug.Print ' Enumerate groups. Debug.Print " Groups: " For intI = 0 To usrTemp.Groups.Count - 1 Debug.Print " "; usrTemp.Groups(intI).Name Next intI Next intJ ' Enumerate all groups. Debug.Print "------------------------------------" For intJ = 0 To wrkDefault.Groups.Count - 1 Set grpTemp = wrkDefault.Groups(intJ) Debug.Print Debug.Print "Enumeration of Groups: "; grpTemp.Name Debug.Print ' Enumerate users. Debug.Print " Users: " For intI = 0 To grpTemp.Users.Count - 1 Debug.Print " "; grpTemp.Users(intI).Name Next intI Next intJ EnumerateUserGroup = True End FunctionExample (Microsoft Access) The following example creates a new User object and appends it to the Users collection of a Workspace object. It then creates a new Group object and appends it to the Groups collection of the Workspace object. The new Group object is also appended to the Groups collection of the User object. The new group is then given modify and delete permissions for modules. Note that in order to assign users to groups, you must either append a User object to the Users collection of a Group object, or append a Group object to the Groups collection of a User object. It doesn't matter which option you choose; either will result in the specified user being included in the specified group.
Sub NewModulesGroup() Dim wsp As Workspace, dbs As Database Dim usr As User, grp As Group, grpMember As Group
Dim ctr As Container, doc As Document ' Get default Workspace object. Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) ' Return Database variable pointing to current database. Set dbs = CurrentDb ' Create User object and append to Users collection ' of Workspace object. Set usr = wsp.CreateUser("Pat Smith", "123abc789xyz", "Password") wsp.Users.Append usr ' Create Group object and append to Groups collection ' of Workspace object. Set grp = wsp.CreateGroup("Programmers", "321xyz987abc") wsp.Groups.Append grp ' Append Group object to Groups collection of User object. Set grpMember = usr.CreateGroup("Programmers") usr.Groups.Append grpMember ' Refresh Groups collection of User object. usr.Groups.Refresh ' Return Container object. Set ctr = dbs.Containers!Modules ' Set UserName property of Container object. ctr.UserName = grpMember.Name 'Add modify and delete permissions for new group on all modules. ctr.Permissions = ctr.Permissions Or acSecModWriteDef End Sub