Index Object
Index objects specify
the order of records accessed from database tables and whether or
not duplicate records are accepted. Index objects also
provide efficient access to data. For external databases, Index
objects describe the indexes established for external tables.
The Microsoft Jet database
engine maintains all base table indexes automatically. Indexes
are updated whenever you add, change, or delete records from the
base table. Once the database is created, use the CompactDatabase
method periodically to bring index statistics up-to-date.
The Jet database engine uses
indexes when it joins tables and creates Recordset
objects. Indexes determine the order of records returned by
table-type Recordset objects, but they don't determine the
order in which records are stored in the base table or the order
of records returned from any other type of recordset.
When accessing a table-type Recordset
object, you specify the order of records using the object's Index
property. Set this property to the Name property setting
of an existing Index object in the Indexes
collection. This collection is contained by the TableDef
object underlying the Recordset object that you're
populating. For example, to order your table-type Recordset
object by the ZIP_INDEX index, you could use the following code.
Set dbsBiblio = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("Biblio.mdb")
Set rstPublishers = dbsBiblio.OpenRecordset("Publishers", dbOpenTable)
rstPublishers.Index = "ZIP_INDEX"
You don't have to create
indexes for a table, but for large, unindexed tables, accessing a
specific record or processing joins can take a long time.
Conversely, having too many indexes can slow down updates to the
database as each of the table indexes is amended.
The Attributes property
of each Field object in the index determines the order of
records returned and consequently determines which access
techniques to use for that index.
Each Field object in the
Fields collection of an Index object is a component
of the index. You define a new Index object by setting its
properties before you append it to a collection, which makes the Index
object available for subsequent use.
You can modify the Name
property setting of an existing Index object only if the Updatable
property setting of the containing TableDef object is True.
Using an Index object
and its properties, you can:
Use the Required property to
determine whether the Field objects in the index
require values that are not Null, then use the IgnoreNulls
property to determine whether the Null values have
index entries.
Use the Primary and Unique
properties to determine the ordering and uniqueness of
the Index object.
When you set a primary key for
a table, the Jet database engine automatically defines it as the
primary index. A primary index consists of one or more fields
that uniquely identify all records in a table in a predefined
order. Because the primary index field must be unique, the Jet
database engine automatically sets the Unique property of
the primary Index object to True. If the primary
index consists of more than one field, each field can contain
duplicate values, but the combination of values from all the
indexed fields must be unique. A primary index consists of a key
for the table and is always made up of the same fields as the
primary key.
Make sure your data complies
with the attributes of your new index. If your index requires
unique values, make sure that there are no duplicates in existing
data records. If duplicates exist, the Jet database engine can't
create the index, resulting in a trappable error when you attempt
to use the Append method on the new index.
When you create a relationship
that enforces referential integrity, the Jet database engine
automatically creates an index with the Foreign property,
set as the foreign key in the referencing table. After you've
established a table relationship, the Jet database engine
prevents additions or changes to the database that violate that
relationship. If you set the Attributes property of the Relation
object to allow cascade update and cascade delete operations, the
Jet database engine updates or deletes records in related tables
The Clustered property
is ignored for databases that use the Jet database engine, which
doesn't support clustered indexes.
Clustered Property,
DistinctCount Property, Foreign Property,
IgnoreNulls Property, Name Property, Primary Property,
Required Property, Unique Property.
CreateField Method,
CreateProperty Method.
See Also
Attributes Property;
CreateIndex Method; Index Property, OrdinalPosition
Property; Appendix, "Data Access Object Hierarchy."
This example creates a new TableDef
object and two new Field objects, appends the Field
objects to the Fields collection in the new TableDef,
and appends the TableDef to the TableDefs
collection in the database. Then it creates a new primary Index
object, includes the two Field objects in it, and appends
the Index to the Indexes collection of the TableDef.
Finally, the example enumerates the Index objects in the
current database.
Function EnumerateIndex () As Integer
Dim dbsDefault As Database, tdfTest As TableDef
Dim fldOne As Field, fldTwo As Field, idxPrimary As Index
Dim I As Integer
' Get workspace and database.
Set dbsDefault = _
' Create table with two fields.
Set tdfTest = dbsDefault.CreateTableDef("MyTable")
Set fldOne = tdfTest.CreateField("Field1", dbLong)
fldOne.Required = True ' No Null values allowed.
tdfTest.Fields.Append fldOne
Set fldTwo = tdfTest.CreateField("Field2", dbLong)
fldTwo.Required = True ' No Null values allowed.
tdfTest.Fields.Append fldTwo
dbsDefault.TableDefs.Append tdfTest
' Create primary index for those two fields.
Set idxPrimary = tdfTest.CreateIndex("MyIndex")
idxPrimary.Primary = True
Set fldOne = tdfTest.CreateField("Field1")
idxPrimary.Fields.Append fldOne
Set fldTwo = tdfTest.CreateField("Field2")
idxPrimary.Fields.Append fldTwo
tdfTest.Indexes.Append idxPrimary
' Enumerate index and its fields.
Debug.Print "Index: "; idxPrimary.Name
Debug.Print " Required: "; idxPrimary.Required
Debug.Print " IgnoreNulls: "; idxPrimary.IgnoreNulls
Debug.Print " Primary: "; idxPrimary.Primary
Debug.Print " Clustered: "; idxPrimary.Clustered
Debug.Print " Unique: "; idxPrimary.Unique
Debug. Print " Foreign: "; idxPrimary.Foreign
Debug.Print "Fields in Index: ";
For I = 0 To idxPrimary.Fields.Count - 1
Debug.Print " "; idxPrimary.Fields(I).Name;
Next I
EnumerateIndex = True
End Function
This example opens a table-type
Recordset and selects an index for the Recordset.
By setting an index, the Microsoft Jet database engine returns
records in the order specified by the index. Without an index,
table-type Recordset objects return records from the
database table in no particular order.
Dim dbsDefault As Database
Dim rstTitles as Recordset
' Get workspace and database.
Set dbsDefault = _
Set rstTitles = dbsDefault.OpenRecordset("Titles")
rstTitles.Index = "MyIndex"
Example (Microsoft
The following example creates a
new index on an Employees table.
Sub NewIndex()
Dim dbs As Database, tdf As TableDef, idx As Index
Dim fld As Field
' Return Database object pointing to current database.
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs!Employees
Set idx = tdf.CreateIndex("LastNameIndex")
Set fld = idx.CreateField("LastName")
idx.Fields.Append fld
tdf.Indexes.Append idx
End Sub