
Replicable Property

Applies To

Database Object, QueryDef Object, TableDef Object.


Sets or returns a value that determines whether a database or object in a database can be replicated.

Setting and Return Values


When you create a new table, query, form, report, macro, or module at a replica, the object is considered "local" and is stored only at that replica. If you want users at other replicas to be able to use the object, you must change it from local to replicable. Either create the object at, or import it into, the Design Master and then set the Replicable property to "T".

The object on which you are setting the Replicable property might have already inherited that property from another object. However, the value set by the other object has no affect on the behavior of the object you want to make replicable. You must directly set the property for each object.

See Also

KeepLocal Property, MakeReplica Method.