
Version Property

Applies To

Database Object, DBEngine Object.


Returns a value that indicates the version of the database or database engine associated with the object. This property setting is read-only.

Return Values

The return value is a string expression that evaluates to a value, depending on the object specified:


For a Database object, this property identifies the version of the Jet database engine that created the database.

The setting of the Version property represents the version number in the form "major.minor"; for example, "3.0". The product version number (for example, 3.0) consists of the version number (2), a period, and the release number (0).

See Also

CreateDatabase Method.


This example checks the version number of the Microsoft Jet database engine and splits it into the version number and release number. The example doesn't check for an invalid string.

Dim strDBVersion As String, strJetVersion As String
Dim strJetRelease As String
Dim intDot As Integer
strDBVersion = DBEngine.Version
intDot = InStr(strDBVersion, ".")
strJetVersion = Left$(strDBVersion, intDot - 1)
strJetRelease = Right$(strDBVersion, Len(strDBVersion) - intDot)