


Defines a name and optional parameters for a query.


PROCEDURE name [param1 datatype[, param2 datatype[, ...]]

The PROCEDURE clause has these parts.

Part Description
name A name for the procedure. It must follow standard naming conventions.
param1, param2 One or more field names or parameters. For example:
PROCEDURE Sales_By_Country [Beginning Date] DateTime, [Ending Date] DateTime;
  For more information on parameters, see PARAMETERS.
datatype One of the primary Microsoft Jet SQL data types or their synonyms.


An SQL procedure consists of a PROCEDURE clause (which specifies the name of the procedure), an optional list of parameter definitions, and a single SQL statement. For example, the procedure Get_Part_Number might run a query that retrieves a specified part number.


Specifics (Microsoft Access)

When you copy a PROCEDURE clause into SQL view, Microsoft Access removes the clause from the SQL statement when you switch to another view. Removing the PROCEDURE clause doesn't affect the result of the query. If the PROCEDURE clause includes parameters, Microsoft Access replaces PROCEDURE and name with the PARAMETERS reserved word. The defined parameters aren't removed.


This example names the query "Category_List."

PROCEDURE Category_List; SELECT DISTINCTROW CategoryName, CategoryID FROM Categories ORDER BY CategoryName;
This example names the query "Summary" and includes two parameters. The PROCEDURE clause is changed to the following PARAMETERS declaration:

PARAMETERS [Beginning Date] DateTime,
[Ending Date] DateTime;

PROCEDURE Summary [Beginning Date] DATETIME, [Ending Date] DATETIME; SELECT DISTINCTROW ShippedDate, OrderID, EmployeeID, 
Format(ShippedDate, "yyyy") AS Year FROM Orders 
WHERE ShippedDate Between [Beginning Date] And [Ending Date];