Dirty Property

Applies To



You can use the Dirty property to determine whether the current record has been modified since it was last saved. For example, you may want to ask the user whether changes to a record were intended and, if not, allow the user to move to the next record without saving the changes.


The Dirty property has the following settings.

Setting Description Visual Basic
True The current record has been changed. True (-1)
False The current record has not been changed. False (0)

This property is available only in Form view and Datasheet view.

This property is read-only and available only in a macro or using Visual Basic.


When a record is saved, the Dirty property is automatically set to False. When a user makes changes to a record, the property is set to True.


The following example enables the btnUndo button when data is changed. The UndoEdits( ) subroutine is called from the AfterUpdate event of text box controls. Clicking the enabled btnUndo button restores the original value of the control using the OldValue property.

Sub UndoEdits()
    If Me.Dirty Then
        Me!btnUndo.Enabled = True            ' Enable button.
        Me!btnUndo.Enabled = False            ' Disable button.
    End IfSub
    Dim intNumControls As Integer, i As Integer
    Dim C As Control
        intNumControls = Forms!EditForm.Count
        For i = 0 to intNumControls - 1    ' For each control.
            Set C = Forms!EditForm(i)
            If TypeOf C Is TextBox Then    ' If control is TextBox.
                C.Value = C.OldValue        ' Restore Old Value.
            End If
        Next iSub