Format Property -- Yes/No Data Types


You can set the Format property to Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off predefined formats or a custom format for Yes/No data types.


Predefined Formats

The Format property provides the Yes/No, True/False, and On/Off predefined formats. Yes, True, and On are equivalent, as are No, False, and Off. If you specify one predefined format and then enter an equivalent value, the predefined format of equivalent value will be displayed. For example, if you enter True or On in a text box control with its Format property set to Yes/No, the value is automatically converted to Yes.

Custom Formats

Yes/No data types use custom formats containing up to three sections.




This section has no effect on Yes/No data types. However, a semicolon (;) is required as a placeholder.


The text to display in place of Yes, True, or On values.


The text to display in place of No, False, or Off values.


The following example shows a custom format that displays the word “Always” in blue text for Yes, True, or On, and the word “Never” in red text for No, False, or Off.
