Bound Object Frame Control, Chart Control, Check Box Control, Combo Box Control, Command Button Control, Form, Form Section, Image Control, Label Control, List Box Control, Option Button Control, Option Group Control, Rectangle Control, Text Box Control, Toggle Button Control, Unbound Object Frame Control.
The MouseMove event occurs when the user moves the mouse.
The MouseMove event is generated continually as the mouse pointer moves over objects. Unless another object generates a mouse event, an object recognizes a MouseMove event whenever the mouse pointer is positioned within its borders.
To cause a MouseMove event for a form to occur, move the mouse pointer over a blank area, record selector, or scroll bar on the form. To cause a MouseMove event for a form section to occur, move the mouse pointer over a blank area of the form section after selecting the section. To select the form section, click the section header.
To run a macro or execute an event procedure in response to pressing and releasing the mouse buttons, you use the MouseDown and MouseUp events.
Click Event; DblClick Event; Enter, Exit Events; GotFocus, LostFocus Events; MouseDown, MouseUp Events.