Picture Property

Applies To

Command Button Control, Form, Image Control, Report, Toggle Button Control.


You can use the Picture property to specify a bitmap to be displayed on a form, report, command button, image frame, or toggle button. Buttons can display either a caption or a picture.


The Picture property contains the path and filename of a bitmap to be displayed on command button, image frame, or toggle button or as a background picture on a form or report.

You can also use the Picture Builder to select a bitmap by clicking the Build button to the right of the Picture property in the property sheet. If the PictureType property is set to Embedded, the bitmap is stored with the object.

The default setting is “(none)”. After the bitmap is loaded into the object, the property setting displays “(bitmap)”. If you delete “(bitmap)” from the property setting, the picture is deleted from the object and the property setting is again “(none)”.

You can set this property in the property sheet, a macro, or Visual Basic.

In Visual Basic, you can set this property using a string expression that includes the path and the name of the bitmap, as in the following example.

btnShowLogo.Picture = "c:\Windows\Winlogo.bmp"


You can create custom bitmaps using Microsoft Paintbrush or another application that creates bitmap files. A bitmap file must have a .bmp, .ico, or .dib extension.

Buttons can display either a caption or a picture. If you assign both to a button, the picture will be visible, the caption will not. If the picture is deleted, the caption reappears. Microsoft Access displays the picture centered on the button and clipped, if the picture is larger than the button.

Tip To create a command button or toggle button with a caption and a picture, you could include the desired caption as part of the bitmap and assign the bitmap to the Picture property of the control.

See Also

PictureAlignment Property, PictureData Property, PictureSizeMode Property, PictureTiling Property, PictureType Property.