Returns the RGB color code corresponding to a color number.
The color argument is a whole number in the range 0 to 15, as described in Settings.
The color argument has these settings:
Number |
Color |
Number |
Color |
0 |
Black |
8 |
Gray |
1 |
Blue |
9 |
Light Blue |
2 |
Green |
10 |
Light Green |
3 |
Cyan |
11 |
Light Cyan |
4 |
Red |
12 |
Light Red |
5 |
Magenta |
13 |
Light Magenta |
6 |
Yellow |
14 |
Light Yellow |
7 |
White |
15 |
Bright White |
The color argument represents color values used by other versions of Basic (such as Microsoft Visual Basic for MS-DOS and the Basic Compiler). Starting with the least-significant byte, the returned value specifies the red, green, and blue values used to set the appropriate color in the RGB system used by Visual Basic for applications.
RGB Function.
This example uses the QBColor function to change the BackColor property of the form passed in as MyForm to the color indicated by ColorCode. QBColor accepts integer values between 0 and 15.
Sub ChangeBackColor (ColorCode As Integer, MyForm As Form) MyForm.BackColor = QBColor(ColorCode)Sub