Scale Method

Applies To

Report Object.


The Scale method defines the coordinate system for a Report object.


object.Scale[(x1, y1) - (x2, y2)]

You can use this method only in an event procedure or a macro specified by the event properties OnPrint or OnFormat for a report section, or OnPage for a report.

The Scale method uses the following arguments.




The Report object to which the coordinate system is applied

x1, y1

Single values for the horizontal and vertical coordinates that define the position of the upper-left corner of the object

x2, y2

Single values for the horizontal and vertical coordinates that define the position of the lower-right corner of the object


You can use the Scale method to reset the coordinate system to any scale you choose. Using the Scale method with no arguments resets the coordinate system to twips. The Scale method affects the coordinate system for the Print method and the report graphics methods, which include the Circle, Line, and PSet methods.

See Also

Circle Method; Event Properties; Line Method; PrintOut Method; PSet Method; ScaleHeight, ScaleWidth Properties; ScaleLeft, ScaleTop Properties; ScaleMode Property.