Text Property

Applies To

Combo Box Control, Text Box Control.


You can use the Text property to set or return the text contained in a text box or the text box portion of a combo box.


The Text property holds the text you want to display in the control.

You can set this property using only a macro or Visual Basic.


To set or return a control’s Text property, the control must have the focus (to move the focus to a control, you can use the SetFocus method or GoToControl action).

See Also

Caption Property, Name Property, Value Property.


This example uses the Text property to retrieve the text box portion of a combo box and then takes an action depending on the user’s selection. The Text property setting for the combo box is assigned to the global variable GetText after a user makes a selection in the combo box.

Dim GetText As Variant    ' Goes in Declarations section of         ' code module.Combo1_AfterUpdate()
    GetText = Me!Combo1.TextSub

The Click event procedure for the DoThis command button contains the code that determines the selection and takes appropriate action.

Sub DoThis_Click()
    Select Case GetText
        Case "ComboItem1"    ' Execute if first combo item is selected.
        Case "ComboItem2"    ' Execute if second combo item is selected.
        Case "ComboItem3"    ' Execute if third combo item is selected.
    End Select