Verb Property

Applies To

Bound Object Frame Control, Chart Control, Unbound Object Frame Control.


You can use the Verb property to specify the operation to perform when an OLE object is activated, which is permitted when the control’s Action property is set to acOLEActivate.


You can set the Verb property by specifying an Integer data type value indicating the position of a verb in the list of verbs returned by the ObjectVerbs property. A verb, such as edit or play, specifies an operation a user can perform on an OLE object. you can set the Verb property to 1 to specify the first verb in the list, you can set it to 2 to specify the second verb in the list, and so on.

You can set the Verb property using the property sheet, a macro, or Visual Basic. You can also set this property using the default control style.

If you don’t set the ObjectVerbs property, you can set the Verb property to one of the following values to indicate the operation to perform. These values specify the standard verbs supported by all objects.






Performs the default operation for the object.



Activates the object for editing.



Opens the object in a separate application window.



For embedded objects, hides the application that created the object.

With some application’s objects, you can use these additional values.






Activates the object for editing within the control. The menus and toolbars of the object application become available in the container application.



Activates the object within the control. The menus and toolbars of the object application aren’t available in the container application.


Each object supports its own set of verbs. For example, many objects support the verbs edit and play. You can use the ObjectVerbs and ObjectVerbsCount properties to find out which verbs are supported by an object.

Microsoft Access automatically uses an object’s default verb if the user double-clicks an object for which the AutoActivate property is set to Double-Click.

See Also

Action Property, AutoActivate Property, ObjectVerbs Property, ObjectVerbsCount Property, OLEType Property, OLETypeAllowed Property.