Appendix A

Workgroup Extensions for Microsoft Word

Note to User

WBMAPI.DLL is not supported by Microsoft Corporation. It is provided "as is" because we believe it may be useful to you. We regret that Microsoft is unable to support or assist you, should you have problems using this tool or any code that relies on this tool.

With the workgroup extensions for Microsoft Word, Word developers can include electronic mail (e-mail) in their custom applications. With the workgroup extensions and WordBasic, you can access the messaging application programming interface (MAPI) to create applications in Word that can:

To use the workgroup extensions, you must have Microsoft Word version 6.0 for Windows and one of the following:

You can also use the workgroup extensions if you have Microsoft Word version 6.0 for Windows NT and Microsoft Windows NT version 3.5 or later, or Microsoft Word version 7.0 and Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows NT version 3.51 or later.

The WordBasic MAPI functions of the workgroup extensions consist of wrapper and helper functions. Wrapper functions mirror the arguments, data types, and functionality of corresponding MAPI functions. Helper functions read individual fields within MAPI data types or construct the aggregate data types that MAPI requires. The names of helper functions begin with "MAPISet" or "MAPIQuery."

For more in-depth information about MAPI, see the Microsoft Mail Technical Reference in your Microsoft Mail for PC Networks package.


The workgroup extensions described in this appendix are not available on the Macintosh. For information about using messaging services in WordBasic on the Macintosh, see the AOCE statements and functions in Part 2, "WordBasic Reference."