

SQLGetSchemaItem$(ConnectNum, Item)


Returns a string that provides information about the schema (structure) of the data source on a particular connection. After a successful call to SQLGetSchema, you can use SQLGetSchemaItem$ one or more times to return the string value or values that SQLGetSchema indicates are available for a particular aspect of the data source structure. The values available from SQLGetSchemaItem$ depend on the type of information that was requested.

For a complete example macro using SQLGetSchemaItem$, see the third example macro described in "Using the ODBC Extensions" earlier in this appendix.




The unique connection ID of the data source you want information about, returned by a previously executed SQLOpen function. If ConnectNum is not valid, SQLGetSchemaItem$ returns 0 (zero).


Specifies the item of information you want returned. Note that Item should be a value between 1 and the number returned by SQLGetSchema for an established pseudo-query.

The string values available from this function depend on the type of information that was requested. See the table of return values for SQLGetSchema for descriptions.