



Determines the number of rows available in the data source. To use SQLRetrieveRows, a macro must have already established a connection using SQLOpen. Also, a query must have already been executed using SQLExecQuery, and results must be pending.




The unique connection ID for a data source. If ConnectNum is not valid, SQLExecQuery would have returned an error value. In such a case, SQLRetrieveRows places error information in memory for the error functions, if such information is available.

Returns the number of rows in the data source. Note that the row count is one-based; that is, the first row is 1, not 0 (zero).

SQLRetrieveRows returns 0 (zero) if used to determine the number of rows in the query result of a SQLQueryExec instruction.

If there are no results pending on the connection, no data was found, or there is no data, SQLRetrieveRows returns –1 (SQL_NoMoreData).