What You Need to Know

Before using the Word API, you should know the basics of creating a DLL (Windows) or a code resource (Macintosh). You should also be familiar with Word and the WordBasic macro language.


Windows 3.x, Windows 95, or Windows NT

To develop WLLs in Windows 3.x, Windows 95, or Windows NT, you need the following:


To develop WLLs on the Macintosh, you need the following:


The files necessary to build WLLs are located in the CAPI folder on the Microsoft Word Developer's Kit disk. Within the CAPI folder, the SAMPLE subfolder contains the files needed to build a sample WLL in Visual C++ (Windows) or Symantec THINK C (Macintosh). This sample code provides a good starting point for developing your own WLLs.

Windows, Windows 95, or Windows NT

From the Microsoft Word Developer's Kit disk, copy the entire CAPI subfolder to an appropriate location in your compiler folder structure. The CAPI subfolder contains the following files, which need to be available to each WLL project you create:


From the Microsoft Word Developer's Kit disk, drag the CAPI folder to an appropriate location in your compiler folder. The CAPI folder contains files similar to those described for the Windows disk; these files need to be available to each WLL project you create.